Remarketing with Facebook Pixel – What You Need To Know

The Power of Facebook Remarketing

There are many important components to a successful digital marketing strategy, from a well-crafted website to captivating content. The problem is, that’s the easy part.

One of the most challenging aspects of digital marketing is distribution - the all-important art of making sure people are actually seeing that website, reading that content, discovering your business and, hopefully, investing in your products or services.

Why is it difficult? Because the digital world is full of competition. The internet is brimming with the websites and the content of your competitors. With thousands upon thousands of results for any one Google search, how do you expect customers to find you?

Sure, you can use SEO techniques to bump up your ranking. You can wait for consumers to search precisely the right combination of keywords. You can even advertise on Google and wait for a relevant search.

Or, you can target your customers where they already are spending their time - on social media. By investing some of your budget into one of digital marketing’s most useful tools: paid advertising.

Nothing in Life is Free - Not Even Social Media Marketing

Social media has offered a unique opportunity for digital marketers and business owners across a myriad of platforms, from Facebook to Snapchat to LinkedIn, there is a digital space where you can advertise, completely for free. Unlike many traditional means of advertising space (think billboards and low-budget television adverts), creating and being active online seems like a substantially more budget-friendly option.

And hey, sometimes it can really take off: there are bars and restaurants that have thrived entirely on the merit of an Instragrammable aesthetic, and prioritise good selfie space over, you know, actual food standards; there are brands famous for their witty Twitter responses; ‘experience using TikTok’ is now not an uncommon requirement to see on a digital marketing job listing.

Social media has absolutely changed the way that we advertise. Problem is, it’s so affordable and accessible that the whole world is using it and just because something is free to use, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be investing budget into it. Especially when social media is becoming such a pivotal marketing asset.

Why is Paid Advertising Important?

Because Facebook is already dominating the marketing world, whether you like it or not. As of 2020, over 10 million people were actively using Facebook for advertising. Why? Because it works!

Paid advertising can:.

  • Be an important part of content distribution. Your content could be the best in the business - that means nothing if it’s not being read. Paid advertising can be used as a tool to boost brand awareness, extend your reach, and grow your audience. Which, in turn, can mean your organic content is more successful later.
  • Cut through the digital white noise. By using careful targeting, you can reach the demographic who will actually be interested in your products or services instead of disappearing into the digital void of uninterested scrolling strangers.
  • Generate quicker results. You want to grow your following? Aimlessly following thousands of people, most of whom won’t ever follow you back, is a tired practice. Save your time by investing money to reach people who are far more likely to engage with your content anyway.
  • Reach the right people, at the right time. Tired of the bounce rate on your ecommerce store? The power of remarketing could draw those customers back to finish the sale. More on that later.

The Power of Inbound Marketing

What’s inbound marketing? Simple: it’s the method of targeting customers at precisely the right time. Rather than attempting to sell to a random person who has no interest in your service (why would you want to be the digital equivalent of a cold caller anyway?), inbound marketing seeks to locate at precisely the right moment. Offering solutions to problems when they need them, selling a product when it’s desired, and, as a result, generating more leads or conversions.

Paid advertising is one of the easiest, quickest forms of inbound marketing. When you pay for the privilege of making a well-timed entrance, you have far more luck in reaching that right set of eyes.

Facebook advertising is the perfect platform to utilise this. It’s already the second largest digital ad seller worldwide, and is only second to the mother of all search engines itself, Google. Facebook makes the majority of its profit through advertisement, which is why it is constantly reworking the feature to make it more beneficial for marketers.

One of those handy features is the Facebook Pixel.

What is Facebook Pixel and Why is it Important?

Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that you can add to your website. It enables the tracking of your PPC ads, allowing access to analytics that’ll show how effective your ad campaigns are. Effectively it tracks the users that interact with your website, for instance the products they view, add to their basket, or buy.

Why is this important? Because the most pivotal thing about paid advertisement is to ensure it is working. We’ve encountered many people who have been deterred by putting budget into paid advertisements because their previous attempts have been ineffective. After all, why pay for something that doesn’t have any return on investment?

By using Pixel, your ad campaigns can become strategic and results driven; you can continue to tweak your campaigns, figuring out the things that work and using them to grow performance month-on-month. The enhanced analytics offered by Pixel are invaluable for making the most of your money. They allow you to optimise your advertising campaigns.

Because here’s the thing: paid advertisement doesn’t have to be expensive. It just has to be effective enough to work. It has to be effective enough to pay for itself and more. Pixel has another enticing application, and it goes back to something we mentioned earlier in this blog. It can be used to harness the power of remarketing.

Why You Should Use Remarketing Ads

We’ve all been there: you’re scrolling through Facebook when an ad pops up, linking to a product that captures your attention. You follow the link, you take a closer look, maybe you even add the product to your cart.

Then the phone starts ringing or the kettle’s finished boiling and that product is forgotten, lost forever to the same void that holds song names you shazammed or the birthdays of distant relatives. Whatever social media app you were using refreshes, and the page is gone forever.

But what if it wasn’t?

By using Pixel, your ad campaigns can become strategic and results driven; you can continue to tweak your campaigns, figuring out the things that work and using them to grow performance month-on-month. The enhanced analytics offered by Pixel are invaluable for making the most of your money. They allow you to optimise your advertising campaigns.

Facebook Pixel uses cookies to keep track of the users on your site. The ads they’ve engaged with can then appear to promote the same products later. If they get to the stage of adding that item to their cart, the ads can be tailored to remind them about the product so they can finish the transaction. They get the goods, you make another sale - everyone wins.

This kind of retargeting can apply to everything. From customers browsing on an ecommerce site, or potential clients identifying themselves as a lead for your next project. It directly tackles one of the biggest problems faced by digital marketers and small businesses worldwide - a short attention span in a world with endless distractions.

Retargeting Could Multiply Your Return on Ad Spend x4+

Optimising your ads by using Facebook Pixel on your website could make a bigger difference than you think.

For instance, take one of our own clients. Over the last three months, we’ve invested just £100 in ad spend on retargeting. The return so far has been £1789.20 - which is roughly a 17:1 return on ad spend. To put that into perspective, the average return on ad spend for cold ecommerce ads you should be looking for is 4:1.

Remarketing hones in on the very biggest power of paid advertisement, the ability to connect with the right people. Who better to market to than the people who have already been so enticed by your product, they’ve already taken 9/10 steps to purchase it?

By incorporating paid advertisement into your digital marketing strategy, you are expanding the horizons for the capability of your business. By further optimising with Facebook Pixel and its potential features, you can create campaigns that pay for themselves, and more.

Let ITK Help You Take Advantage of Pixel

So now you’ve had the walk through - why wouldn’t you give it a try and see what power it can add to your existing marketing and ad campaign? One answer we hear commonly is time...

We understand that not everyone has the time to dedicate towards learning how to best utilise Pixel, setting up events and audiences to capture data and then reviewing the results and making reasoned judgments on what you learn, which is where companies like ours come in.

We’re experienced digital marketeers who already know how and what you need to do to get started - so why not give us a call and see how we can help?

At ITK, we offer a full paid advertising service, covering Google AdWords as well as Facebook, Instagram, even Twitter and LinkedIn. With over ten years’ experience in advertising on Facebook alone, we can help you grow the results you need. Get in touch to find out more.